Project #8 - Consentful Interface


Design and code a bitmap game that tells an aspect of your own story.



I want to turn my experimental camera into a "pomodoro helper." Pomodoro (which is name after "tomato" in Italian for some reason) is a time boxing work technique where you do x min chunks of undistracted work following by a x min spurt of indulging in distractions/mini rest. When i have to get stuff done, this type of technique helps me to break the work into smaller chunks, and I feel better about checking things off, making large workloads feel less daunting. It also acknowledges that there are distractions that I would probably rather be doing than work, and it feels better to include this as part of a work process rather than pretending I’m the most productive person. In my translation of my camera into a pomodoro helper, I wanted to do a 5 min to 1 min ratio, as this felt short enough for one to be able to witness the entire program. I also wanted to prioritize stretching as the break activity, since this seemed like a good use to leverage the split scanner. I also built a custom timer that switches scenes at the end of each timer.


My consentful interface workes within the F.R.I.E.S. framework. "Freely Given" - there is no pressure for the viewer to participate. "Reversible" - The option to "opt out" is available at every screen. "Informed" - people the viewer opts into using the camera, they are informed about what is going to happen, for how long, and how to opt out. "Enthusiastic" - instead of hiding opt out options, it is available at every screen. On the opt out screen, the viewer's desires are acknowledged and affirmed. "Specific" - opting in is specific to the camera turning on and off, and this is the only action agreed upon.